Friday, June 22, 2007

The Human ability to overcome

This post is about taking for granted the things we should value most in life. I haven't been myself lately and have been focusing on my own negativity.

Imagine for a second that you lost both of your arms in an accident. What would you do? The day-to-day routines that you are accustomed to would be shattered. You would be forced to rethink the very essence of what drives your body.

Hopefully you'd remember however that our differences; change for that matter makes us strong and unique. I'd like to think that we as human beings all have the ability to overcome that which hinders us.

Take a second to watch this video. This particular fellow in this video reminds us all that we are capable of so much more than we are often aware.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

The "Krylon" Kaper

Some of you may or may not know of "Hundy" as being my current vehicle of necessity. Hundy and I have had a long life together; around 6 years to be exact. I love my car. I give it a hard time every now and then, but all told, the way I drive, it probably should have passed away long ago.

Recently Hundy has been encountering some rust issues which have forced me to rethink my car. While the engine and mechanical workings of the car are rock-solid, I fear that the body itself will disintegrate long before the car is due for the scrap yard. This means I will be taking drastic measures to prevent the decline of her metal.

This all may sound pretty boring so far. "Yeah so what Dan, people touch their cars up all the time". Well not this guy. This guy has plans.

Enter the Krylon "Camoflauge Paint System".

for a mere $37 at Canadian Tire, I have picked up what will become Hundy's new "Color".
This particular paint applies itself in an Olive-green color and is Matte (not shiny) to the finish. Think of Canadian Military vehicles and their appearance and you will be able to see what Hundy has in store.
Anyhow, as this project progresses, I will be posting pictures and details of how the car is looking and feeling. Who knows... Hundy may even have a post of her own!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Do you ever get the feeling that politicians just aren't getting it right when it comes to keeping the Earth clean?

I love my Earth. I know it's the only one that I have in this life. I do my part to better the Earth, not only to prevent the destruction of it.

We have landfills and garbage incinerators being raised to address the concerns of MORE garbage. Why don't we think of new and alternative ways of curtailing the amount of garbage that we produce?

I recently spent some time at the Windfall Ecology Festival in Newmarket where I spoke with some representatives of the Green Party of Canada. I was very impressed at their dedication to putting a cramp on the need for Canadians to produce garbage in the first place.

Now go pick up some garbage and hug a tree!

Monday, June 18, 2007

Emily the Lizard Queen

So it would seem that my wonderful 16 month old daughter has taken a liking to Lizards. On Sunday at her Cousin's birthday party, we were introduced to Jen Deith of Zoo-To-You.

Jen brought out a whole bunch of wonderful animals and put on a fantastic show for all the kids. From what I now undertand, Party-bookers are allowed to choose from Jen's long list of animals to be included. This tailors the party to your interests.

With our particular party's selection of Lizards, Furry critters and random shaved Guinea Pigs, I was very impressed to see that Emily, my daughter, took particular liking to "Buckley" the Bearded Dragon, and "Crush" the Corn Snake.

I will always nourture and encourage my daughter to try new things. Watching her get up close and personal with these animals which the other children were shying away from due to "Grossness" gives me a sense of accomplishment and extreme pride. Through her youth, she teaches me every day about acceptance and simplicity.