Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I snapped this pic on the way to work today. Too bad it was with my Cellphone. Sorry about the quality.

I just wanted this upstanding lady to know that I did in fact "NV" her ride. In fact, I was so jealous that I cried in my car as I was following her on Lakeshore Drive in Barrie.

Not only do I "NV" her car, but I "NV" the need for her to be watched, applauded, reviewed and revered. I mean it does, after all, take a special kind of person to seek solace in expensive material objects.

I realize that she is driving a very nice Honda S3000 or something like that, but what does she feel when she pulls up beside a Porsche 911 Carerra? Does the person in the Porsche still have to "NV" her ride?

Anyhow, I don't have to worry about that because I drive a Hyundai. Its painted flat-military-green.

I hope this lady finds the attention she is looking for. Perhaps that will solve all of life's problems and give her a sense of worth in this world. I would like to give her a hug. A simple hug. I would like to think that a hug would allow her to see that she is loved for something other than her vehicle.